
Étude de la dynamique de la reconnexion magnétique induite par laser de puissance
- Bolanos Simon
Proton acceleration by collisionless shocks using a supersonic H 2 gas-jet target and high-power infrared laser pulses
- Puyuelo-Valdes P.
- Henares J.
- Hannachi F.
- Ceccotti T.
- Domange J.
- Ehret M.
- d'Humieres E.
- Lancia L.
- Marquès Jean-Raphaël
- Ribeyre X.
- Santos J.J
- Tikhonchuk V.
- Tarisien M.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5116337 -
Laboratory investigation of particle acceleration and magnetic field compression in collisionless colliding fast plasma flows
- Higginson D. P
- Korneev Ph.
- Ruyer C.
- Riquier R.
- Moreno Q.
- Béard Jérome
- Chen S.
- Grassi A.
- Grech M.
- Gremillet L.
- Pépin H.
- Perez F.
- Pikuz S.
- Pollock B.
- Riconda C.
- Shepherd R.
- Starodubtsev M.
- Tikhonchuk V.
- Vinci T.
- D’humières E.
- Fuchs J.
DOI : 10.1038/s42005-019-0160-6 -
Evidence for Crystalline Structure in Dynamically-Compressed Polyethylene up to 200 GPa
- Hartley N.
- Brown S.
- Cowan T.
- Cunningham E.
- Döppner T.
- Falcone R.
- Fletcher L.
- Frydrych S.
- Galtier E.
- Gamboa E.
- Laso Garcia A.
- Gericke D.
- Glenzer S.
- Granados E.
- Heimann P.
- Lee H.
- Macdonald M.
- Mackinnon A.
- Mcbride E.
- Nam I.
- Neumayer P.
- Pak A.
- Pelka A.
- Prencipe I.
- Ravasio A.
- Rödel M.
- Rohatsch K.
- Saunders A.
- Schölmerich M.
- Schörner M.
- Schuster A.
- Sun P.
- van Driel T.
- Vorberger J.
- Kraus D.
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-019-40782-5 -
Laboratory study of stationary accretion shock relevant to astrophysical systems
- Mabey P.
- Albertazzi Bruno
- Falize E.
- Michel Th.
- Rigon G.
- van Box Som L.
- Pelka A.
- Brack F.-E.
- Kroll F.
- Filippov E.
- Gregori G.
- Kuramitsu Y.
- Lamb D.
- Li C.
- Ozaki N.
- Pikuz S.
- Sakawa Y.
- Tzeferacos P.
- Koenig M.
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-019-44596-3 -
Étude des chocs radiatifs dans le cadre de l'astrophysique de laboratoire
- Michel Thibault
Compression de mélanges liquides et silice par chocs générés par laser jusqu’à des conditions thermodynamiques extrêmes d’intérêt pour les modèles des intérieurs planétaires
- Guarguaglini Marco
Laser experiment for the study of accretion dynamics of Young Stellar Objects: design and scaling
- Revet G.
- Khiar B.
- Béard Jérome
- Bonito R.
- Orlando S.
- Starodubtsev M.V.
- Ciardi A.
- Fuchs J.
DOI : 10.1016/j.hedp.2019.100711 -
Extreme-UV absorption processes in a laser-produced mid-Z plasma: Measurements and theoretical interpretation
- Poirier M.
- Bastiani-Ceccotti S.
- Blenski T.
- Comet M.
- Esnault C.
- Gilleron F.
- Gilles D.
- Pain J.-C.
- Reverdin C.
- Thais F.
DOI : 10.1016/j.hedp.2019.100706 -
X-ray spectroscopy evidence for plasma shell formation in experiments modeling accretion columns in young stars
- Filippov E. D
- Skobelev I. Yu.
- Revet G.
- Chen S.
- Khiar B.
- Ciardi A.
- Khaghani D.
- Higginson D. P
- Pikuz S.
- Fuchs J.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5124350 -
Plasma optics in the context of high intensity lasers
- Peng H.
- Marquès J.-R.
- Lancia L.
- Amiranoff François
- Berger R.
- Weber Sébastien J.
- Riconda C.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5091550 -
Laser-produced magnetic-Rayleigh-Taylor unstable plasma slabs in a 20 T magnetic field
- Khiar B.
- Revet G.
- Ciardi A.
- Burdonov K.
- Filippov E.
- Béard Jérome
- Cerchez M.
- Chen S. N.
- Gangolf T.
- Makarov S. S.
- Ouillé M.
- Safronova M.
- Skobelev I. yu.
- Soloviev A.
- Starodubtsev M.
- Willi O.
- Pikuz S.
- Fuchs J.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.205001 -
X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy study of warm dense MgO
- Bolis R.
- Hernandez J.-A.
- Recoules V.
- Guarguaglini M.
- Dorchies F.
- Jourdain N.
- Ravasio A.
- Vinci T.
- Brambrink E.
- Ozaki N.
- Bouchet J.
- Remus F.
- Musella R.
- Mazevet S.
- Hartley N.
- Guyot F.
- Benuzzi-Mounaix A.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5105390 -
Optimisation of a Petawatt class compressor alignement based on a spectrally resolved wave front senso analysis
- Ranc L.
- Leblanc Catherine
- Zou J.P.
- Levecq X.
- Druon Frédéric
- Papadopoulos Dimitrios
Irradiation and dosimetry arrangement for a radiobiological experiment employing laser-accelerated protons
- Polin K.
- Doria D.
- Romagnani L.
- Chaudhary P.
- Cirrone G.A.P.
- Maiorino C.
- Milluzzo G.
- Petringa G.
- Romano F.
- Schettino G.
- Scuderi V.
- Prise K.
- Borghesi M.
DOI : 10.1088/1748-0221/14/10/C10015 -
Kerr Shutter for the Generation of Optically Synchronized Pump-Signal OPCPA Pairs
- Alexandridi C.
- Lemaitre F.
- Delen Xavier
- Druon Frédéric
- Georges Patrick
- Papadopoulos Dimitrios
Radiative cooling of an Al plasma in an AlTi mixture heated by an ultraintense laser pulse
- Renaudin P.
- Duthoit L
- Baton S.
- Blancard Ch
- Chaleil A.
- Cossé P
- Faussurier G
- Gremillet L.
- Lecherbourg L.
- Loupias B.
- Perez F.
Summary of WG2: Ion beams from plasmas
- Lancia L.
- Margarone D.
DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/1596/1/012012 -
Dosimetry of laser-accelerated carbon ions for cell irradiation at ultra-high dose rate
- Milluzzo G.
- Ahmed H.
- Romagnani L.
- Doria D.
- Chaudhary P.
- Maiorino C.
- Mcilvenny A.
- Mcmurray A.
- Polin K.
- Katzir Y.
- Pattathil R.
- Mckenna P.
- Prise K.
- Borghesi M.
DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/1596/1/012038 -
Extreme brightness laser-based neutron pulses as a pathway for investigating nucleosynthesis in the laboratory
- Chen S.
- Negoita F.
- Spohr K.
- D’humières E.
- Pomerantz I.
- Fuchs J.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5081666 -
Momentum absorption and magnetic field generation by obliquely incident light
- Macchi Andrea
- Grassi Anna
- Amiranoff François
- Riconda Caterina
DOI : 10.1140/epjp/i2019-12802-0 -
Petawatt and exawatt class lasers worldwide
- Danson Colin
- Haefner Constantin
- Bromage Jake
- Butcher Thomas
- Chanteloup Jean-Christophe
- Chowdhury Enam
- Galvanauskas Almantas
- Gizzi Leonida
- Hein Joachim
- Hillier David
- Hopps Nicholas
- Kato Yoshiaki
- Khazanov Efim
- Kodama Ryosuke
- Korn Georg
- Li Ruxin
- Li Yutong
- Limpert Jens
- Ma Jingui
- Nam Chang Hee
- Neely David
- Papadopoulos Dimitrios
- Penman Rory
- Qian Liejia
- Rocca Jorge
- Shaykin Andrey
- Siders Craig
- Spindloe Christopher
- Szatmári Sándor
- Trines Raoul
- Zhu Jianqiang
- Zhu Ping
- Zuegel Jonathan
DOI : 10.1017/hpl.2019.36 -
APOLLON: a multi-PW laser facility
- Jacquemot Sylvie
- Zeitoun Philippe
DOI : 10.1117/12.2531949 -
Rayleigh-Taylor instability experiments on the LULI2000 laser in scaled conditions for young supernova remnants
- Rigon G.
- Casner A.
- Albertazzi Bruno
- Michel Th
- Mabey P.
- Falize E.
- Ballet J.
- van Box Som L.
- Pikuz S.
- Sakawa Y.
- Sano T.
- Faenov A.
- Pikuz T.
- Ozaki N.
- Kuramitsu Y.
- Valdivia M. P
- Tzeferacos P.
- Lamb D.
- Koenig M.
- Michel Th.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.021201 -
The response function of Fujifilm BAS-TR imaging plates to laser-accelerated titanium ions
- Strehlow J.
- Forestier-Colleoni P.
- Mcguffey C.
- Bailly-Grandvaux M.
- Daykin T.
- Mccary E.
- Peebles J.
- Revet G.
- Zhang S.
- Ditmire T.
- Donovan M.
- Dyer G.
- Fuchs J.
- Gaul E.
- Higginson D. P
- Kemp G.
- Martínez M.
- Mclean H. S
- Spinks M.
- Sawada H.
- Beg F. N
DOI : 10.1063/1.5109783