
Classical and quantum description of plasma and radiation in strong fields
- Niel Fabien
Spectroscopie X de plasmas chauds et denses générés par lasers UHI et XFEL
- Condamine Florian
Signatures of fluid and kinetic properties in the energy distributions of multicharged Ta ions from nanosecond-laser-heated plasma
- Gobet F.
- Comet M.
- Marquès J.-R.
- Méot V.
- Raymond X.
- Versteegen M.
- Henares J.-L.
- Morice O.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.98.063202 -
Advanced high resolution x-ray diagnostic for HEDP experiments
- Faenov A. Y.
- Pikuz T. A.
- Mabey P.
- Albertazzi Bruno
- Michel Th.
- Rigon G.
- Pikuz S. A.
- Buzmakov A.
- Makarov S.
- Ozaki N.
- Matsuoka T.
- Katagiri K.
- Miyanishi K.
- Takahashi K.
- Tanaka K. A.
- Inubushi Y.
- Togashi T.
- Yabuuchi T.
- Yabashi M.
- Casner A.
- Kodama R.
- Koenig M.
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-018-34717-9 -
X-ray Spectroscopy Based Diagnostic of GigaGauss Magnetic Fields during Relativistic Laser-Plasma Interactions
- Dalimier Elisabeth
- Oks Eugene
DOI : 10.3390/atoms6040060 -
Erratum: “Setup for meV-resolution inelastic X-ray scattering measurements and X-ray diffraction at the Matter in Extreme Conditions endstation at the Linac Coherent Light Source” [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 10F104 (2018)]
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- Galtier E.
- Gamboa E.
- Gauthier M.
- Goede S.
- Kim J.
- Lee H.
- Ofori-Okai B.
- Oliver M.
- Rigby A.
- Schoenwaelder C.
- Sun P.
- Tschentscher Th.
- Witte B.
- Zastrau U.
- Gregori G.
- Nagler B.
- Hastings J.
- Glenzer S.
- Monaco G.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5084054 -
Laser-accelerated particle beams for stress testing of materials
- Barberio M.
- Scisciò M.
- Vallières S.
- Cardelli F.
- Chen S.
- Famulari G.
- Gangolf T.
- Revet G.
- Schiavi A.
- Senzacqua M.
- Antici P.
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-017-02675-x -
Publisher Correction: Laser-accelerated particle beams for stress testing of materials
- Barberio M.
- Scisciò M.
- Vallières S.
- Cardelli F.
- Chen S.
- Famulari G.
- Gangolf T.
- Revet G.
- Schiavi A.
- Senzacqua M.
- Antici P.
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-018-04345-y -
Self-generated surface magnetic fields inhibit laser-driven sheath acceleration of high-energy protons
- Nakatsutsumi M.
- Sentoku Y.
- Korzhimanov A.
- Chen S.
- Buffechoux S.
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- Atherton B.
- Audebert P.
- Geissel M.
- Hurd L.
- Kimmel M.
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- Schollmeier M.
- Schwarz J.
- Starodubtsev M.
- Gremillet L.
- Kodama R.
- Fuchs J.
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-017-02436-w -
Guiding of relativistic electron beams in dense matter by laser-driven magnetostatic fields
- Bailly-Grandvaux M.
- Santos J.
- Bellei C.
- Forestier-Colleoni P.
- Fujioka S.
- Giuffrida L.
- Honrubia J. J.
- Batani D.
- Bouillaud R.
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- Dorard S.
- Dubois J.
- Ehret M.
- Gregori G.
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- Marquès J.
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- Nicolai Ph.
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- Schaumann G.
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- Tikhonchuk V.
- Woolsey N.
- Zhang Z.
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-017-02641-7 -
Some views on the European HEDP-UHI laser and scientific landscape
- Jacquemot S
Highly Scalable Coherent Beam Combining of Femtosecond Fiber Chirped-Pulse Amplifiers
- Heilmann Anke
- Le Dortz Jérémy
- Daniault Louis
- Fsaifes Ihsan
- Bellanger Séverine
- Bourderionnet Jérôme
- Larat Christian
- Lallier Eric
- Antier Marie
- Durand Eric
- Simon-Boisson Christophe
- Brignon Arnaud
- Chanteloup Jean-Christophe
Thermally-induced-anisotropy issues in oriented cubic laser crystals, the cryogenically cooled Yb:CaF2 case
- Genevrier Kevin
- Papadopoulos Dimitris
- Besbes Mondher
- Camy Patrice
- Doualan Jean-Louis
- Moncorgé Richard
- Georges Patrick
- Druon Frédéric
DOI : 10.1007/s00340-018-7077-8 -
Uphill acceleration in a spatially modulated electrostatic field particle accelerator
- Almansa I.
- Burton D.
- Cairns R. A.
- Marini S.
- Peter E.
- Rizzato F.
- Russman F.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5049711 -
Two-channel high-resolution quasi-monochromatic X-ray imager for Al and Ti plasma
- Do A.
- Briat M.
- Baton S.
- Krumrey M.
- Lecherbourg L.
- Loupias B.
- Perez F.
- Renaudin P.
- Rubbelynck C.
- Troussel Ph.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5042069 -
Efficient Modeling of Laser Wakefield Acceleration Through the PIC Code Smilei in CILEX Project
- Massimo Francesco
- Beck Arnaud
- Derouillat Julien
- Grech Mickael
- Pérez Frédéric
- Specka Arnd
- Zemzemi Imen
DOI : 10.18429/JACoW-ICAP2018-MOPAG02 -
Absolute calibration of microchannel plate detector for carbon ions up to 250 MeV
- Mcilvenny A.
- Doria D.
- Romagnani L.
- Ahmed H.
- Martin P.
- Williamson S.D.R.
- Ditter E.J.
- Ettlinger O.
- Hicks G.S.
- Mckenna P.
- Najmudin Z.
- Neely D.
- Kar S.
- Borghesi M.
DOI : 10.1088/1748-0221/14/04/C04002 -
Characterization of a two-channel, high resolution hard x-ray microscope using Fresnel zone plates for laser-plasma interaction experiments
- Do A.
- Briat M.
- Chaleil A.
- Rubbelynck C.
- Lebugle M.
- David C.
- Troussel P.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5039326 -
X-ray backlighter requirements for refraction-based electron density diagnostics through Talbot-Lau deflectometry
- Valdivia M.
- Veloso F.
- Stutman D.
- Stoeckl C.
- Mileham C.
- Begishev I.
- Theobald W.
- Vescovi M.
- Useche W.
- Regan S.
- Albertazzi Bruno
- Rigon G.
- Mabey P.
- Michel T.
- Pikuz S.
- Koenig M.
- Casner A.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5039342 -
Mise en phase active de fibres laser en régime femtoseconde par méthode interférométrique
- Le Dortz Jérémy
Spatiotemporal study on a PW laser : Theoretical models, measurement methods and experimental results
- Ranc L.
- Zou J. P.
- Le Blanc C.
- Radier C
- Simon Boisson C.
- Druon Frédéric
- Papadopoulos Dimitrios
XCAN: a highly scalable femtosecond coherent amplification network
- Heilmann Anke
- Le Dortz² Jérémy
- Daniault Louis
- Fsaifes Ihsan
- Bellanger Séverine
- Antier Marie
- Bourderionnet Jérôme
- Durand Eric
- Simon-Boisson³ Christophe
- Larat Christian
- Lallier Eric
- Brignon Arnaud
- Chanteloup Jean-Christophe
Femtosecond coherent beam combining of seven fiber amplifiers in tiled-aperture configuration
- Chanteloup Jean-Christophe
- Le Dortz Jérémy
- Simon-Boisson Christophe
- Durand Eric
- Heilmann Anke
- Antier Marie
- Bourderionnet Jérôme
- Larat Christian
- Fsaifes Ihsan
- Daniault Louis
- Bellanger Séverine
- Lallier Eric
- Brignon Arnaud
Ultrafast gating for the generation of optically synchronized OPCPA Pump pulses
- Delen Xavier
- Louis de Canonville Cyprien
- Druon Frédéric
- Georges Patrick
- Papadopoulos Dimitrios
Mini-Review of Intra-Stark X-ray Spectroscopy of Relativistic Laser–Plasma Interactions
- Dalimier Elisabeth
- Pikuz Tatiana
- Angelo Paulo
DOI : 10.3390/atoms6030045