
$Ab\ initio$ model of optical properties of two-temperature warm dense matter
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DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.035121 -
Experiments to investigate the effects of radiative cooling on plasma jet collimation
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Amplification of ultra-short light pulses by ion collective modes in plasmas
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Monochromatic short pulse laser produced ion beam using a compact passive magnetic device
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DOI : 10.1063/1.4870250 -
Design and current progress of the Apollon 10 PW project
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Proton stopping power measurements using high intensity short pulse lasers produced proton beams
- Marquès Jean-Raphaël
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Laboratory formation of a scaled protostellar jet by coaligned poloidal magnetic field
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DOI : 10.1126/science.1259694 -
Ab initio calculation of x-ray absorption of iron up to 3 Mbar and 8000 K
- Mazevet Stéphane
- Recoules Vanina
- Bouchet Johan
- Guyot François
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- Ravasio Alessandra
- Benuzzi-Mounaix Alessandra
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.100103 -
Metallization of warm dense SiO$_2$ studied by XANES spectroscopy
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DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.116404