The LULI laboratory is a joint research unit (UMR 7605) CNRS - École Polytechnique - Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives - Sorbonne University, located on the campus of École Polytechnique (Palaiseau), on the Orme des Merisiers CEA site and at Les Algorithmes (Gif-sur-Yvette), and on the Jussieu campus of Sorbonne University (Paris).

It's an academic research centre on Hot Plasma Physics, from atoms to stars, a training center in Optics, Lasers & Plasmas and a national and European Research Infrastructure since 1975.
For CNRS, LULI is more precisely managed by the CNRS Institute of Physics and by the section #04 of the CoCNRS.

Apart from these supervising bodies and from the European Commission, through its partnership with the LASERLAB-Europe EU project and AISBL, the laboratory has close links with, at the regional level, the LABEX Physics: Atoms, Light, Matter (PALM), at the national level, with the French Physics Society (SFP - Plasma Physics Division) and, at the European level, with the European Physical Society (EPS, through the Plasma Physics Division and its Beam Plasma & Inertial Fusion section).

The laboratory is, ou was, strongly involved in all the ambitious high-energy laser & plasma projects launched in the past in France and in Europe. He was thus one of the key partners of the HiPER project, in scientific and techhnological workpackages, and of the PETAL project in Aquitaine. It was also one of the partners of the ESFRI ELI project.