
Alignment of solid targets under extreme tight focus conditions generated by an ellipsoidal plasma mirror
- Kumar Deepak
- Smid Michal
- Singh Sushil
- Soloviev Alexander
- Bohlin Hannes
- Burdonov Konstantin
- Fente Gashaw
- Kotov Alexander
- Lancia Livia
- Ledl Vit
- Makarov Sergey
- Morrissey Michael B.
- Perevalov Sergey
- Romanovsky Denis
- Pikuz Sergey
- Kodama Ryosuke
- Neely David
- Mckenna Paul
- Laštovicka T.
- Starodubtsev Mikhail V.
- Weber Stefan
- Nakatsutsumi M.
- Fuchs Julien
DOI : 10.1063/1.5088166 -
2IMPACTs : Etude des effets de couplage Spatio-temporel sur le contraste temporel d’une impulsion laser intense. (IMPulsions Intenses Avec Couplage Spatio-Temporel)
- Leblanc Catherine
- Ranc Lucas
- Zou J.P.
- Papadopoulos Dimitrios
- Lopez-Martens R.
- Druon Frédéric
Scattering of ultrashort laser pulses on “ion-sphere” in dense plasmas
- Rosmej F.B.
- Astapenko V.A.
- Lisitsa V.S.
- Li X.D.
- Khramov E.S.
DOI : 10.1002/ctpp.201800062 -
Characterization of suprathermal electrons inside a laser accelerated plasma via highly-resolved K⍺-emission
- Šmíd M.
- Renner O.
- Colaitis A.
- Tikhonchuk V.
- Schlegel T.
- Rosmej F.
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-019-12008-9 -
DNA DSB Repair Dynamics following Irradiation with Laser-Driven Protons at Ultra-High Dose Rates
- Hantonl F.
- Chaudhary P.
- Doria D.
- Gwynne D.
- Maiorino C.
- Scullion C.
- Ahmed H.
- Marshall T.
- Naughton K.
- Romagnani L.
- Kar S.
- Schettino G.
- Mckenna P.
- Botchway S.
- Symes D. R
- Rajeev P.
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- Borghesi M.
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-019-40339-6 -
Electromagnetic Simulations of Solar Radio Emissions
- Henri Pierre
- Sgattoni A.
- Briand C.
- Amiranoff François
- Riconda C.
DOI : 10.1029/2018JA025707 -
Ab initio calculations of the B1-B2 phase transition in MgO
- Bouchet J.
- Bottin F.
- Recoules V.
- Remus F.
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- Bolis R. M
- Benuzzi-Mounaix A.
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.094113 -
First commissioning results of the Apollon laser on the 1 PW beam line
- Papadopoulos Dimitris
- Zou Ji-Ping
- Le Blanc Catherine
- Ranc Lucas
- Druon Frederic
- Martin Luc
- Fréneaux A.
- Beluze A.
- Lebas Nathalie
- Chabanis M.
- Bonnin C.
- Accary J.
- Garrec B.
- Mathieu François
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DOI : 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2019.STu3E.4 -
Maser radiation from collisionless shocks: application to astrophysical jets
- Speirs D.
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- J. Kellett B.
- Albertazzi Bruno
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- Fraschetti F.
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- Miniati F.
- Morita T.
- Oliver M.
- Reville B.
- Sakawa Y.
- Sarkar S.
- Spindloe C.
- Koenig M.
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- Lebedev S.
- Gregori G.
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DOI : 10.1017/hpl.2019.3 -
Jacques Dumont, Socio-histoire et épistémologie des activités physiques et sportives , Paris, Ellipses coll. « Objectif STAPS », 2017, 259 p.
- Fuchs Julien
DOI : 10.3917/sta.126.0173 -
Characterizing the ionization potential depression in dense carbon plasmas with high-precision spectrally resolved x-ray scattering
- Kraus Dominik
- Bachmann B.
- Barbrel Benjamin
- Falcone R.
- Fletcher L.B.
- Frydrych S.
- Gamboa E.J.
- Gauthier Maxence
- Gericke D.
- Glenzer S.H.
- Gode S.
- Granados E.
- Hartley, Nj
- Helfrich J.
- Lee H.J.
- Nagler B.
- Ravasio Alessandra
- Schumaker W.
- Vorberger J.
- Döppner T
DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/aadd6c -
Adaptive SIMD optimizations in particle-in-cell codes with fine-grain particle sorting
- Beck Arnaud
- Dérouillat Julien
- Lobet Mathieu
- Farjallah Asma
- Massimo Francesco
- Zemzemi Imen
- Perez Frédéric
- Vinci Tommaso
- Grech Mickael
DOI : 10.1016/j.cpc.2019.05.001 -
Dynamics of the Electromagnetic Fields Induced by Fast Electron Propagation in Near-Solid-Density Media
- Romagnani Lorenzo
- Robinson A.P.L.
- Clarke R.J.
- Doria D.
- Lancia Livia
- Nazarov W.
- Notley M.M.
- Pipahl A.
- Quinn Karen
- Ramakrishna B.
- Wilson Puthenparampil
- Fuchs Julien
- Willi Oswald
- Borghesi Marco
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.025001 -
Spatiotemporal aberrations introduced by thermal effects in a grating compressor of a PW laser
- Ranc Lucas
- Mazzotta Zeudi
- Lebas Nathalie
- Leblanc Catherine
- Zou Ji Ping
- Martin Luc
- Mathieu François
- Druon Frédéric
- Papadopoulos Dimitris
DOI : 10.1364/ASSL.2019.AW3A.2 -
Laser-driven shock compression of “synthetic planetary mixtures” of water, ethanol, and ammonia
- Guarguaglini M.
- Hernandez J.-A.
- Okuchi T.
- Barroso P.
- Benuzzi-Mounaix A.
- Bethkenhagen M.
- Bolis R. M
- Brambrink E.
- French M.
- Fujimoto Y.
- Kodama R.
- Koenig M.
- Lefevre F.
- Miyanishi K.
- Ozaki N.
- Redmer R.
- Sano T.
- Umeda Y.
- Vinci T.
- Ravasio A.
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-019-46561-6 -
Evaluation of missense and splicing in silico predictions tools and implementation of an efficient SNV prioritization NGS pipeline for molecular diagnosis of Myopathies and Muscular Dystrophies
- Yauy K.
- Baux David
- Pegeot H.
- van Goethem C.
- Mathieu C.
- Guignard T.
- Morales R. Juntas
- Lacourt D.
- Krahn Martin
- Lektokari V.
- Bonne G.
- Tuffery-Giraud Sylvie
- Koenig M.
- Cossee M.
DOI : 10.1038/s41431-019-0404-7 -
Development of gas jet targets for laser-plasma experiments at near-critical density
- Henares J.L.
- Puyuelo-Valdes P.
- Hannachi F.
- Ceccotti T.
- Ehret M.
- Gobet F.
- Lancia L.
- Marquès J.-R.
- Santos J.J.
- Versteegen M.
- Tarisien M.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5093613 -
Efficient start-to-end 3D envelope modeling for two-stage laser wakefield acceleration experiments
- Massimo Francesco
- Beck Arnaud
- Dérouillat Julien
- Grech Mickael
- Lobet Mathieu
- Pérez Frédéric
- Zemzemi Imen
- Specka Arnd
DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab49cf -
Experimental investigation of the collective stimulated Brillouin and Raman scattering of multiple laser beams in Inertial Confinement Fusion experiments
- Depierreux Sylvie
- Neuville Cedric
- Tassin Veronique
- Monteil Marie-Christine
- Masson-Laborde Paul-Edouard
- Baccou Claire
- Fremerye Pascale
- Philippe Franck
- Seytor Patricia
- Teychenné Denis
- Katz Joe
- Bahr Ray
- Casanova Michel
- Borisenko Nataliya
- Borisenko Lidia
- Orekhov Andrey
- Colaitis Arnaud
- Debayle Arnaud
- Duchateau Guillaume
- Héron Anne
- Hüller Stefan
- Loiseau Pascal
- Nicolai Philippe
- Riconda Caterina
- Tran Guillaume
- Stoeckl Christian
- Seka Wolf
- Tikhonchuk Vladimir T.
- Pesme Denis
- Labaune Christine
DOI : 10.1088/1361-6587/ab5acd -
Multispectral wavefront sensor for Petawatt class compressor alignment and optimisation
- Ranc Lucas
- Le Blanc Catherine
- Zou Ji-Ping
- Levecq Xavier
- Druon Frédéric
- Papadopoulos Dimitrios
DOI : 10.1364/ASSL.2019.JM5A.30 -
Supersonic plasma turbulence in the laboratory
- White T. G
- Oliver M T
- Mabey P.
- Kühn-Kauffeldt M.
- Bott A. F. A.
- Döhl L. N K
- Bell A. R
- Bingham R.
- Clarke R.
- Foster J.
- Giacinti G.
- Graham P.
- Heathcote R.
- Koenig M.
- Kuramitsu Y.
- Lamb D. Q
- Meinecke J.
- Michel Th
- Miniati F.
- Notley M.
- Reville B.
- Ryu D.
- Sarkar S.
- Sakawa Y.
- Selwood M. P
- Squire J.
- Scott R. H H
- Tzeferacos P.
- Woolsey N.
- Schekochihin A. A
- Gregori G.
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-019-09498-y -
Innovative Education and Training in high power laser plasmas (PowerLaPs) for plasma physics, high power laser–matter interactions and high energy density physics – theory and experiments
- Pasley John
- Andrianaki Georgia
- Baroutsos Andreas
- Batani Dimitri
- Benis Emmanouil
- Borghesi Marco
- Clark Eugene
- Cook Donna
- D’humieres Emmanuel
- Dimitriou Vasilios
- Dromey Brendan
- Ehret Michael
- Fitilis Ioannis
- Grigoriadis Anastasios
- Kar Satya
- Kaselouris Evaggelos
- Klimo Ondrej
- Koenig Michel
- Kosma Kyriaki
- Koundourakis George
- Kucharik Milan
- Lavery Aveen
- Limpouch Jiri
- Orphanos Yannis
- Papadogiannis Nektarios
- Petrakis Stelios
- Riley Dave
- Serena Rivetta Maria
- Tejada Pascual Laura
- Jorge Santos João
- Skoulakis Alexandros
- Tazes Ioannis
- Tikhonchuk Vladimir
- Trela Jocelain
- Tsitou Calliope
- Volpe Luca
- White Steven
- Yeung Mark
- Tatarakis Michael
DOI : 10.1017/hpl.2019.7 -
A new energy spectrum reconstruction method for Time-Of-Flight diagnostics of high-energy laser-driven protons
- Milluzzo G.
- Scuderi V.
- Alejo A.
- Amico A.G.
- Booth N.
- Borghesi M.
- Cirrone G.A.P.
- Cuttone G.
- Doria D.
- Green J.
- Kar S.
- Korn G.
- Larosa G.
- Leanza R.
- Margarone D.
- Martin P.
- Mckenna P.
- Petringa G.
- Pipek J.
- Romagnani L.
- Romano F.
- Russo A.
- Schillaci F.
DOI : 10.1063/1.5082746