Apollon Worshop

We are pleased to announce the "Scientific opportunities with APOLLON facilities: from fundamental physics to societal applications" workshop.
As the Apollon Research Infrastructure (RI*, https://apollonlaserfacility.cnrs.fr) is building up its capability as a multi petawatt, multibeams facility, it is time to reflect on the scientific challenges that the Apollon facility is best suited to tackle in the coming years (5-10 years). The community is invited to contribute to this process by participating to the workshop that will take place 29-30 November 2023 in Paris at Sorbonne University.
Four main scientific topics have been identified as encapsulating most of the science envisioned on Apollon: Strong Field QED, Laboratory Astrophysics, High energy particles and photons sources and Warm Dense Matter. Each section will be followed by a roundtable.
As of today, confirmed speakers are Ulf Zastrau (EUXFEL), Ludovic Lecherbourg (CEA), Razvan Stoian (Saint Etienne Un.), Laurent Gremillet (CEA), Archie Bott (Un. Oxford), Luis Silva (IST Lisboa), Ulrich Schramm (HZDR), A. Yogo (Osaka Un.), Felicie Albert (LLNL), Antonino Di Piazza (LLE), S. Meuren (LULI), M. Vranic (IST Lisboa)
The scientific committee is constituted by : Caterina Riconda (LULI), Stefan Weber (ELI), Cedric Thaury (LOA), Anna Grassi (LULI), Martin Lemoine (IAP), Federico Fiuoza (Stanford Un), Julien Fuchs (LULI), Cameron Gueddes (Berkley national Lab), Marco Borghesi (Un Belfast), Francois Guyot (IMPMC), Paul Neumayer (GSI), Fabien Dorchies (CELIA)
This workshop has been totally funded by CNRS. As consequence, there will be no registration fee.
The lunches and a welcome reception will be provided.
Further information including registration procedure will be put on the website https://luli.cnrs.fr/scientific-opportunities-with-apollon-facilities (on construction).
This message is a follow-up of the email sent June 19th where we proposed the submission of a white paper on the previous topics, consisting on one page document before the 14 October 2023. To this aim, you can write your contribution directly inside a google doc (see at the end of this email).
The format is presented on the first page of the google docs. Please add your white paper after this page. Here you can find the links for each topics
Laboratory Astrophysics section
High energy particles and photons sources section
If you need more information, contact workshop2023[at]luli.polytechnique.fr